Our view on BPD
In this video, we explain the emotions surrounding borderline personality disorder also known as emotionally unstable disorder. We outline possible root causes and the support we provide for this.
In this video, we explain the emotions surrounding borderline personality disorder also known as emotionally unstable disorder. We outline possible root causes and the support we provide for this.
In this video, the cast sit down with a therapist to discuss their relationship with their fathers. What we got was a frank, honest and sensitive conversation including references of emotional and physical abuse. As a result, viewers may find the content in this video distressing.
If you have a racist family member in your life, no matter how close you are to them, it can hurt when they show their true harmful colours. Maybe they’ve had their mind warped by social media and certain troubling news outlets, or maybe growing up and away from their influence has helped the scales fall from […]
You’re probably familiar with the fear of failure and all the ways this can manifest. But what about having a fear of success? Failure. It’s a big, scary, ugly concept, and when we say ‘fear of failure’, you likely nod along in recognition. Who wants to fail? It doesn’t feel good. Success, on the other hand, roundly […]